cartilage physiology histology


Schematic example of a Chondrons

As Chondroblasten come cartilage cells, chondrocytes, and Chondroklasten before. As Chondroblasten ( "Knorpelbildner"), the precursor cells called chondrocytes. They come from mesenchymal stem cells and make the active form of cartilage cells, because they all components of cartilage matrix can synthesize. Once this synthesis function they have, they differentiate into the chondrocytes, the actual cartilage cells. The chondrocytes are smaller than the Chondroblasten, spherical shape, have a rounded nucleus and contain lots of water, fat and glycogen. Their number, location and density for each Knorpelart specific. Chondrocytes are still in the immature state divide, which is characteristic appearance of "isogenic groups" may lead. They arise when the dividing cells already surrounded by cartilage matrix and are thus no longer differentiate between soft can. The groups are isogenic chondrocyte complexes, where each complex from a single chondrocytes arose. The individual complexes seem from a cartilage capsule to be surrounded and cartilage in a cave (Lacuna) to lie, but only when the fixation arises and the originally received by the chondrocytes reflects place. That includes a Knorpelhof, who through his property basophils anfärbbar is clear (territory). The isogenic groups are usually arranged columnar. The isogenic group and their territory summarizes it as "Chondron" together. Once the chondrocytes are differentiated, they lose their ability to divide. Chondroklasten known as scavenger cells in turn, focusing on specialized cartilage. They are much larger and merger of several monocytes and thus arose mostly Multinucleated giant cells. They play the main role in the degradation of early cartilage bones model (chondrale ossification) to the bone or later, in this context, including the healing of fractures.

Formation of cartilage tissue and its growth

Formation of cartilage tissue and its growth

The process of cartilage formation, which is also called Chondrogenese will increase initially from the densely mesenchyma zusammengelegenen Chondroblasten. This eventually take on their function and it is a matrix, which is rich in Chondromukoprotein. At the same time Tropokollagen produces and Extrazellularraum than collagen deposition. Through the production of these substances move the Chondroblasten ever further apart. At the same time, they differentiate into chondrocytes, either individually in the matrix, or propagate by division and then as isogenic groups may be present. The growth of cartilage done so primarily by the size of the increase Interzellularsubstanz, which also known as interstitial growth which is just under the cartilage formation occurs. For further growth, or even in a limited framework for the regeneration of cartilage tissue is mainly the Anlagerungswachstum (appositionelles growth) responsible. This leads to the formation of cartilage tissue from the surface, namely through the cartilage skin. In its inner layer sit Chondroblasten that synthesize the matrix and are still mitotic can share.

Disease and damage to the cartilage

Disease and damage to the cartilage

When cartilage disorders, there is a deterioration of chondrocytes located between the matrix. There is talk of an unmasking of the cartilage. The surface is rough, which restricts the function of the affected joint, a developing osteoarthritis. Very often, the cartilage disease of the kneecap (patella Chondropathia) the relatively early, even in children, can lead to difficulties. It may be in the chest, on the border between the bony and cartilaginous rib, too bizarre calcifications come, they call the Chondrokalzinose.

Polychondritis (from "poly": Greek = much, "chondr": Greek chondros = cartilage and "ITIS" suffix for inflammatory diseases, in the English language Relapsing Polychondritis): The recurrent Polychondritis is an extremely rare disease with mostly Schubart, sometimes permanently persistent inflammation of the cartilage. Can be involved all the structures or institutions, which consist of cartilage or where cartilaginous elements are present.

The Chondrose is an expression of degenerative changes in the cartilage. When it comes slipped into a vortex Verschmälerung of the intermediate distance of one or more vertebral segments in comparison to the rest without Deckplattensklerosierung the vertebrae. The intermediate eddy amount of space decreases. For block vertebrae is the space between vertebrae repealed. Causally come congenital or acquired disorders (degenerative, inflammatory, operationally) in question. Chondrosen with the participation of the underlying bone is called osteochondrosis. Solve this piece of cartilage from the cartilage Association, will be designated as Osteochondrosis dissecans.

Cartilage structures can also be damaged. Such damage can be done by a variety of causes arise from an unfortunate traps or a sports accident (traumatic), previous knee injury (post traumatic) or wear with time revealed. The quiescence (immobilization) over time can also result in cartilage damage.

An injury to the cartilage, caused by a strain such as jogging, is often discussed but so far can not be demonstrated. Scientific studies show much more of a good adaptation of the human cartilage in chronic stress . For long distance runners shows a recovery of the cartilage structure a few minutes after the end of sporting activity. In recent decades have surgery to repair cartilage in place. The goal of articular cartilage repair treatment is to restore the surface of the hyaline articular cartilage.