fibrous cartilaginous tissue: intervertebral disc
it is characterized by:
* not possess perichondrium
* holds smaller chondrocytes
* there are few chondrocytes
* have plenty matrix rich in collagen fibers
Chondrocytes were found in their condroplasts.
fibrous cartilaginous tissue
cartilaginous tissues
Cartilaginous tissues: Hyaline is characterized by:
* perichondrium
* homogeneous matrix
* chondrocytes are prepared individually or in groups.
* the chondrocytes are of a size in between.
The perichondrium has two layers.
cartilages and cartilage structures
Cartilaginous is a kind of tissue which is hyaline, trachea characteristics.
The hyaline cartilage is characterized by:
* perichondrium
* Matrix structure
* Chondrocytes are prepared individually or in groups.
* size of chondrocytes
The perichondrium has two layers: fibrous layer (collagen fibers, fibroblasts) and condrogena layer which is contains condroblasts.
cartilage physiology histology
Schematic example of a Chondrons
As Chondroblasten come cartilage cells, chondrocytes, and Chondroklasten before. As Chondroblasten ( "Knorpelbildner"), the precursor cells called chondrocytes. They come from mesenchymal stem cells and make the active form of cartilage cells, because they all components of cartilage matrix can synthesize. Once this synthesis function they have, they differentiate into the chondrocytes, the actual cartilage cells. The chondrocytes are smaller than the Chondroblasten, spherical shape, have a rounded nucleus and contain lots of water, fat and glycogen. Their number, location and density for each Knorpelart specific. Chondrocytes are still in the immature state divide, which is characteristic appearance of "isogenic groups" may lead. They arise when the dividing cells already surrounded by cartilage matrix and are thus no longer differentiate between soft can. The groups are isogenic chondrocyte complexes, where each complex from a single chondrocytes arose. The individual complexes seem from a cartilage capsule to be surrounded and cartilage in a cave (Lacuna) to lie, but only when the fixation arises and the originally received by the chondrocytes reflects place. That includes a Knorpelhof, who through his property basophils anfärbbar is clear (territory). The isogenic groups are usually arranged columnar. The isogenic group and their territory summarizes it as "Chondron" together. Once the chondrocytes are differentiated, they lose their ability to divide. Chondroklasten known as scavenger cells in turn, focusing on specialized cartilage. They are much larger and merger of several monocytes and thus arose mostly Multinucleated giant cells. They play the main role in the degradation of early cartilage bones model (chondrale ossification) to the bone or later, in this context, including the healing of fractures.
Formation of cartilage tissue and its growth
Formation of cartilage tissue and its growth
The process of cartilage formation, which is also called Chondrogenese will increase initially from the densely mesenchyma zusammengelegenen Chondroblasten. This eventually take on their function and it is a matrix, which is rich in Chondromukoprotein. At the same time Tropokollagen produces and Extrazellularraum than collagen deposition. Through the production of these substances move the Chondroblasten ever further apart. At the same time, they differentiate into chondrocytes, either individually in the matrix, or propagate by division and then as isogenic groups may be present. The growth of cartilage done so primarily by the size of the increase Interzellularsubstanz, which also known as interstitial growth which is just under the cartilage formation occurs. For further growth, or even in a limited framework for the regeneration of cartilage tissue is mainly the Anlagerungswachstum (appositionelles growth) responsible. This leads to the formation of cartilage tissue from the surface, namely through the cartilage skin. In its inner layer sit Chondroblasten that synthesize the matrix and are still mitotic can share.
Disease and damage to the cartilage
Disease and damage to the cartilage
When cartilage disorders, there is a deterioration of chondrocytes located between the matrix. There is talk of an unmasking of the cartilage. The surface is rough, which restricts the function of the affected joint, a developing osteoarthritis. Very often, the cartilage disease of the kneecap (patella Chondropathia) the relatively early, even in children, can lead to difficulties. It may be in the chest, on the border between the bony and cartilaginous rib, too bizarre calcifications come, they call the Chondrokalzinose.
Polychondritis (from "poly": Greek = much, "chondr": Greek chondros = cartilage and "ITIS" suffix for inflammatory diseases, in the English language Relapsing Polychondritis): The recurrent Polychondritis is an extremely rare disease with mostly Schubart, sometimes permanently persistent inflammation of the cartilage. Can be involved all the structures or institutions, which consist of cartilage or where cartilaginous elements are present.
The Chondrose is an expression of degenerative changes in the cartilage. When it comes slipped into a vortex Verschmälerung of the intermediate distance of one or more vertebral segments in comparison to the rest without Deckplattensklerosierung the vertebrae. The intermediate eddy amount of space decreases. For block vertebrae is the space between vertebrae repealed. Causally come congenital or acquired disorders (degenerative, inflammatory, operationally) in question. Chondrosen with the participation of the underlying bone is called osteochondrosis. Solve this piece of cartilage from the cartilage Association, will be designated as Osteochondrosis dissecans.
Cartilage structures can also be damaged. Such damage can be done by a variety of causes arise from an unfortunate traps or a sports accident (traumatic), previous knee injury (post traumatic) or wear with time revealed. The quiescence (immobilization) over time can also result in cartilage damage.
An injury to the cartilage, caused by a strain such as jogging, is often discussed but so far can not be demonstrated. Scientific studies show much more of a good adaptation of the human cartilage in chronic stress . For long distance runners shows a recovery of the cartilage structure a few minutes after the end of sporting activity. In recent decades have surgery to repair cartilage in place. The goal of articular cartilage repair treatment is to restore the surface of the hyaline articular cartilage.
cartilage tissue
Hyaline cartilage in Light picture
Cartilage tissue is both a fixed pressure as well as biegungselastisches, vascular loose supporting tissue, in the development of the plant also bony skeleton forms. It is cut and there as other binding and Stützgewebsarten from cells and the surrounding Interzellularsubstanz consisting of formed and unformed components.
Cartilage Free information center for cartilage structure and biology, histology for you. If wanna learn about cartilages , you need some search on google and wikipedia. following wikipedia info already presents to you. Thank you. Cartilages is a type of dense connective tissue. It is composed of collagen fibers and/or elastin fibers, and can supply smooth surfaces for the movement of articulating bones. Cartilage is found in many places in the body including the joints, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, the bronchial tubes and the intervertebral discs. There are three main types of cartilage: elastic, hyaline, and fibrocartilage. see more at wikipedia info.
Why is cartilage important in the human body? AS SUMMARY
The cartilage is a type of dense connective tissue.
It consists of collagen fibers and / or elastin fibres, and the so-called chondrocytes, all of a company gel earth as a substance called the matrix.
The cartilage is avasculaire (no blood vessels) and nutrients are distributed through the matrix. Cartilagine different functions, particularly by providing a framework in which deposits of bones and can be equipped with smooth surfaces available to monitor the movement of articulation of the bones.
The cartilage in many places in the body, including seals assembly, chest, ear, nose, bronchial tubes and spine.
There are essentially three types of cartilage: hyaline, elastic and fibrocartilage. There are three different types of cartilage, each with specific characteristics according to their function. Hyaline cartilage Hyaline cartilage is the richest type of cartilage.
Hyaline The name derives from the Greek word hyalos, glass effect. And 'the matrix or translucent material basic research. E 'avasculaire hyaline cartilage, primarily of type II collagen. Hyaline cartilage lining of the bones is located in the joints (or the articular cartilage, as a rule, Gristle) and is also inside the bones, as a center of ossification, or the growth of bones. In addition hyaline cartilage from most forms of embryonic skeleton.
Cartilagine articular cartilage is a specialization of hyaline cartilage left at the end of long bones and not perichondrium. Cartilagine elastic Cartilagine elastic (also known as yellow cartilage) is located in the auricle of the tubes and varied as the walls of hearing loss (eustachian) tubes and larynx, and particularly in the epiglottis. The cartilage is to open the tubes. Cartilagine elastic is similar hyaline cartilage elastic, but contains packages (elastin), in the matrix. This follows a rigid structure, which is still elastic.
Cartilagine fibrous Fibrose cartilage (also known as cartilage and white) is a special type of cartilage in the difficult support, or a great force, such as the vertebral column, the public and other symphyses, and on the page or the connection tendons, ligaments to the bone. Rarely is clear dividing line between the neighbours and fibrocartilage hyaline cartilage and connective tissue. The fibrocartilage found in the spinal column contains more collagen hyaline. In addition to type II collagen found in hyaline cartilage and elastic, fibrocartilage contains collagen type I, not on the form fibrés light under the microscope.
Fibrose cartilage seems to be missing, a perichondrium, because it can not be because of collagen type I. If hyaline cartilage at the end of long bones like the femur is damaged, is often replaced by fibrocartilage not reduce the weight of forces and
Fibrocartilage is intermediate in character between hyaline cartilage and dense connective tissue.
1. Composition and organization. Fibrocartilage is characterized by abundant type I collagen fibers; at low magnification, it closely resembles dense connective tissue. The ground sub stance contains equal amounts of dermatan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. The matrix immediately surrounding the chondrocytes resembles that of hyaline cartilage and contains some type II collagen. The chondrocytes are distributed in columnar isogenous groups between the densely packed type I collagen bundles. There is no distinguishable perichondrium.
2. Histogenesis and growth. At sites where strong mechanical stresses occur, fibrocartilage develops from dense regular connective tissue through the transformation of fibroblasts or fibroblast like precursors into chondrocytes. Fibrocartilage growth has not been closely examined.
3. Function and location. Fibrocartilage is always associated with dense connective tissue, and the border between the two is usually indistinct. Its combination of cartilaginous ground substance and dense collagen bundles allows fibrocartilage to resist deformation under great stress; it is important in attaching bone to bone and providing restricted mobility. Sites in humans include the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disks, the symphysis pubis, and certain bone-ligament junctions.
B. Elastic Cartilage:
ØElastic cartilage is yellowish when fresh. It is more Rexible than hyaline cartilage .
Ø1. Composition and organization. Elastic cartilage is structurally identical to hyaline cartilage except that it contains, in addition to type II collagen fibers, a dense network of branching and anastomosing elastic fibers. This network is densest at the core of the cartilage mass and when stained with elastic stains tee, Verhoeff's or Weigert's), may obscure the organization of the tissue. The chondrocytes characteristically occur in isogenous groups. A perichondrium surrounds the elastic cartilage mass.
Ø2. Histogenesis and growth, Elastic cartilage develops from a primitive connective tissue containing wavy bundles of fibrils that differ in protein composition from both elastin and collagen. Fibroblasts eventually secrete elastin, and the fiber bundles are transformed into branching elastic fibers by an unknown mechanism. The development of chondrocytes and production of the other matrix materials is the same as in hyaline cartilage. Further growth resembles that of hyaline cartilage. 3. Function and location. Elastic cartilage provides flexible support. It occurs alone and with hyaline cartilage; the two may grade into each other in a single cartilage mass. In humans, elastic cartilage is found in the auricle of the external ear, the walls of the external auditory canals and auditory tubes, the epiglonis, and the corniculate and cuneiform cartilages of the larynx.
Hyaline Cartilage
5. Repair. Repair of cartilage fractures involves invasion of the breach by mesenchymal stem cells from the perichondrium, which then differentiate into chondrocytes. If the gap is large. a dense connective tissue scar may form.
6. Function and location. Its ability to grow rapidly while maintaining its rigidity makes hyaline cartilage an ideal fetal skeletal tissue. As fetal cartilage is replaced by bone, hyaline cartilage remains in the epiphyseal plates at the ends of lone: bones, allowing these bones to lengthen between birth and adulthood. At all ages, hyaline cartilage without a perichondrium (articular cartilage) covers the articular surfaces of bone, where its resistance to compression and its smooth texture make it a good cushion and low-friction surface. Hyaline cartilage is the most abundant and widely distributed cartilage type in the body. The costal (rib) cartilages, most of the laryngeal cartilages, the cartilaginous rings supporting the trachea, and the irregular cartilage plates in the walls of the bronchi are hyaline cartilage.
Histogenesis - Hyaline Cartilage
3. Histogenesis, All cartilage derives from embryonic mesenchyme. During the development of hyaline cartilage, mesenchymal cells retract their cytoplasmic extensions and assume a rounded shape, becoming chondroblasts; at the same time, they become more tightly packed, forming a mesenchymal condensation, or precartilage condensation. The increased cell-to-cell contact stimulates cartilage differentiation, which progresses from the center outward. Chondroblasts at the core of the condensation are the first to secrete cartilaginous matrix materials, which separate the cells again. When it is completely surrounded by cartilage matrix, a chondroblast is termed a chondrocyte. Peripheral mesenchyme condenses around the developing cartilage mass to form the fibroblast-containing. dense, regular connective tissue of the perichondrium.
4. Growth. Cartilage grows by 2 distinct processes. Both involve mitosis and the deposition of additional matrix. Matrix synthesis is enhanced by growth hormone, thyroxine, and testesterone and is inhibited by estradiol and excess cortisone.
a. Interstitial growth involves the division of existing chondrocytes and gives rise to the isogenous groups, It is important in the formation of the fetal skeleton and continues in the epiphyseal plates and articular cartilages.
b. Appositional growth involves the differentiation into chondrocytes by chondroblasts and stem cells on the inner surface of the perichondrium. It is responsible for continued increase in the girth of the cartilage masses.
Organization of Hyaline Cartilage
Organization. The consistency of hyaline cartilage results from extensive cross-linking among its components. Link protein attaches the core proteins of proteoglycans to long chains of hyaluronic acid to form proteoglycan aggregates. The GAG side chains of the proteoglycans associate with type iI collagen fibrils. The chondrocytes are embedded in the matrix either singly or in isogeuous groups of 2-8 cells derived from one parent cell. The potential space occupied by each chondrocyte, called a lacuna, is visible only after the cell's death or after shrinkage during tissue processing. The chondrocytes at the core of a tissue mass are usually spheric; those at the periphery are flattened or elliptic. The matrix immediately surrounding the chondrocytes, called the capsular (territorial) matrix, is more intensely basophilic and PAS-positive than the intercapsular (interterritorial) matrix owing to the higher concentration of sulfated GAGs and lower concentration of collagen. Except for articular (joint) cartilage, all hyaline cartilage is surrounded and nourished by perichondrium. Articular cartilage is nourished by the synovial ffuid in the joint cavity.
Cartilage types: a)Hyaline Cartilage
Fibers, Hyaline cartilage matrix contains thin fibrils of type II collagen. Their small size and their refractive index (close to that of the ground substance) make them difficult to distinguish with the light microscope. Type II collagen contains a higher proportion of hydroxylysine than does type I. b. Ground substance, the predominant tissue component, comprises the following: (1) GAGs, mostly chondroitin sulfates and hyaluronic acid, with smaller amounts of keratan sulfate and heparan sulfate
(2) Proteoglycans, core proteins with GAG side chains;
(3) Proteoglycan aggregates proteoglycans covalently linked to long chains of hyaluronic acid by link protein;
(4) Glycoproteins, which attach various matrix components to one another and cells to the matrix, including link protein, fibronectin, chondronectin; and (5) Tissue fluid, an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma.
Cartilage is a skeletal connective tissue characterized by firmness and resiliency. It forms most of the fetal skeleton and persists in sites where its mechanical properties are needed
Most fetal cartilage eventually becomes bone.
A. Composition: Like all connective tissues, cartilage is composed of cells, fibers, and ground substance. The extracellular matrix predominates and determines cartilage's mechanical properties. Type II collagen is a characteristic cartilage matrix component, and the abundant ground substance is firm and gellike. Cartilage cells are termed chondrocytes.
B. Vascular Supply: Most cartilage is enveloped by a layer of dense connective tissue, the perichondrium, which contains the vascular supply and tibroblastlike stem cells from which additional chondrocytes may arise. Few blood vessels (or nerves) are found within cartilage; thus the composition of the ground substance is crucial to the percolation of nutrients and oxygen to chondrocytes from the surrounding vessels.
C. Cells: Under the light microscope, chondrocytes appear rounded, with an eccentric nucleus, a prominent nucleolus, and basophilic cytoplasm. With EM, chondrocyte surfaces exhibit charac teristic projections and infoldings. The RER and Golgi complex are well developed; the Golgi complex enlarges as the cell grows, and its cisternae fill with secretory material. Some lipid droplets are typically found in the cytoplasm.
Chondrocytes synthesize and secrete the fibers and ground substance of the extracellular matrix: collagen is synthesized on the RER, and GAGs are assembled and sulfated in the Golgi complex.
Because of their meager oxygen supply, chondrocytes produce much of their energy by anaerobic glycolysis